BRANDON CLARK


JACOB MOORE                                      LEWIS HOLT


                         OWEN SKINNER


GEORGE GITSHAM                               ELI BRITTON


                         DAN WETMORE





Match report by Dan Bowden


1ST half


Early pressure from Fry’s Dan Wetmore forces fine save from Keynsham keeper. Keynsham number 9 hits a powerful shot which Brandon stands up to! Great one two between Eli and Owen produces a fine save from the Keynsham keeper. Hand ball on the edge of the area gives Jacob the chance to drive in a fierce free kick which the keeper pushes away!! 0-0 half time


2nd half


Dan Wetmore drives in a cross field thunderbolt only for the keeper to save fully stretched with his feet!! After good midfield pressure from Jacob and a fine pass to Eli who forces another great save from the superb Keynsham keeper. At last we break them down with a cracker of a shot from Dan Wetmore with only minutes to go 1-0 to Frys. A great battle in midfield sees the ball land at Eli’s feet and he beats the last man and hammers home to make it 2-0 to Frys at fulltime.       


MAN OF MATCH; Eli Britton he worked his socks of today along with his team mates and scored a deserved goal to cap his performance.





                                      ELLIS JONES


 RHYS GREENLAND                                             JOSH SEELEY


                                      HARRY CLARKE


JOSH JAMES                                                   SAM MILLER


                                      CALLUM JONES





Match Report by Alan Britton


1ST half


Early exchanges are equal, Frys create a break down the right but Sam’s cross fails to make the box. The game is becoming a midfield battle with neither side giving way. Frys are looking stronger in the middle of the park and win a corner, then another but still no goal. More pressure and Frys are denied at close range. Another corner to Frys and  Keynsham clear again. A storming run down the right by Josh Seeley and a good cross but the keeper collected with safe hands. Sam and Dan combine well to open up the Keynsham defence, but Dan’s shot is straight at the keeper. Frys break again and Dan sets up Callum, but again the shot only finds the keeper. 0-0 at half time.


2nd half


The half starts as the 1st half finished, Frys lacking the finish their play deserved with a goal. More and more pressure but still no goal! Dan Bowden jinks through the Keynsham defence and strikes the ball well but once again foiled by the keeper. The game is all one way and a goal must come soon. At last more pressure in the Keynsham box and Dan Bowden launches a rocket into the Keynsham net 1-0 to Frys. A quick throw finds Dan Bowden who turns and launches a scud missile like shot into the top right hand corner of the net 2-0 Frys. The game was now wide open and more goals seemed on the cards, a rare Keynsham attack but the Stig(Ellis) was on his toes and pulled off a fine save. The game ends with a good win by a hard working side.  


MAN OF MATCH; JOSH SEELEY for his attacking runs down the wing and for dealing with the rare Keynsham attacks.      


Match photos available here or via the Team page